Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The agent search, part 2: preliminary research

I just finished doing my first step of the research process on those 56 names I mentioned in the previous post. This step of research is very general. I'm not looking to find out the information I need to know to make the query more personal. Instead, I'm trying to answer two questions that every author should try to know the answer to before querying anyone:

1. Is this a legitimate agent, or someone who might try to rip me off?
2. Would this agent be interested in what I wrote?

Those are the two main questions all should ask themselves. I had some others such as "does this agent accept unsolicited manuscripts?" Here's the end result.

Initial number of agent names: 56
Current number: 35

This number won't fall much more. I'll only remove someone now if I find out some new disturbing fact about them. My next step is to do in depth research on each of these agents so that I can figure out who I want to query first. I think I'll pair them up in two groups of 12, and one group of 11. I'll have to do stuff like make sure I'm not querying two agents in the same agency, and stuff like that. Have to tailor my query letter, synopsis, sample chapters, and other things to each one. Sounds tough, but it really shouldn't take very long. I'll post again when I can update on any of the things related to this whole writing and submitting process.


Monday, May 12, 2008

The Agent search, part 1: Getting names

Now that I've finished writing and editing VALDEN'S HEIR, and since I've sent it to a few people I know to read, the search now begins for an agent. I expect this entire process to take around a month (finding names, doing research, writing and editing queries, etc.), which is why I've started already even though I just sent out my book for others to read. I told them to try and finish the book within a month, and if at least a couple of them do I'll have their comments about the same time that I'll be ready to fire off query letters.

Anyway, I just finished the first step in the process. Getting names. The first thing I did in this process was go to the blogs of agents I am already familiar with (will provide links to these one day). I found which ones represent epic fantasy (since VALDEN'S HEIR is just that), and put them at the top of the list. Then I went to, and searched for agents who represent fantasy. 134 names came up. I wrote down 56.

The most common reason I didn't write down a name was because the agent didn't accept e-mail queries. I prefer to e-mail for free before I have to pay the now more expensive postage to mail anything. Second, I didn't write down names of agents who don't accept unsolicited manuscripts. There were some other reasons beyond that, but those were the two main reasons I didn't write down a name.

The next step in the process is researching the names I have. I need to find out who works at the same agency (it's a rule to only query one agent in an agency at a time), who is an AAR member, who's actually a real agent, if the agent is actually enthusiastic about representing fantasy, and a number of other things. I'll go in depth about this stuff in a future post, but right now I just have names. I'll post again when I've done some research.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Finally! a final edit

After much work I have finally finished my final edit of my book. Well, the final edit before I allow others to read it.

Initial page count: 485
Initial word count: aprox. 150,000

Final page count: 413
Final word count: 121,000

Just 1000 words above my goal, but I still managed to cut about 30,000 words, and that is significant. I believe this is worth celebrating. I suppose I can reveal something for the first time. The book's title.

Valden's Heir

Hey! It makes no sense to anyone besides me, right? Well, it will if you read the book, or once I decide to release more information. Sorry, but I'm paranoid about releasing too much information too fast. This is a very original idea, and I want to ensure it is never stolen.

Well, with that said, I've got to tweak a little guide I made for the book (mostly change page numbers), and then I have to decide who I will let read it, and what my parameters are. Don't want them taking a year to read it or anything. Have to make sure they know that.
