Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The agent search, part 2: preliminary research

I just finished doing my first step of the research process on those 56 names I mentioned in the previous post. This step of research is very general. I'm not looking to find out the information I need to know to make the query more personal. Instead, I'm trying to answer two questions that every author should try to know the answer to before querying anyone:

1. Is this a legitimate agent, or someone who might try to rip me off?
2. Would this agent be interested in what I wrote?

Those are the two main questions all should ask themselves. I had some others such as "does this agent accept unsolicited manuscripts?" Here's the end result.

Initial number of agent names: 56
Current number: 35

This number won't fall much more. I'll only remove someone now if I find out some new disturbing fact about them. My next step is to do in depth research on each of these agents so that I can figure out who I want to query first. I think I'll pair them up in two groups of 12, and one group of 11. I'll have to do stuff like make sure I'm not querying two agents in the same agency, and stuff like that. Have to tailor my query letter, synopsis, sample chapters, and other things to each one. Sounds tough, but it really shouldn't take very long. I'll post again when I can update on any of the things related to this whole writing and submitting process.


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