Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Bold New Direction

Hello all! Been a little over a year, but it's time for things to get moving. I'm moving to Daegu, South Korea to teach English for a year at the end of this month. I am doing this with my beautiful wife, and am very excited for this opportunity. I have a million reasons for doing this, and I hope to write a post explaining the reasons very soon. One primary reason is I really believe I am following the Lord's will for me life. I feel He is sending me, and I must go. I am happy to.

Anyway, I hope this will be extremely enjoyable to read for everyone. I know very little about South Korea, and that's why I think this will be useful. You'll all learn about this country that's half way around the world as I do. Hope this will be fun. Hope I don't stumble into North Korea.

Taylor K.

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