Monday, June 14, 2010

Why? Part 2

Hey. Currently putting songs on my external hard drive so I can leave my cds behind, listening to the EA conference at E3, and thinking more about my reasons for going to South Korea.

The reason I'll highlight today is more if a driving force than money. Truthfully, money is pretty far down. This one, however, is not. This one is important. I feel called.

For about 10 years now I've felt the constant need to leave my own country for another. I ignored it for a time, but God wouldn't let me forever. I felt a drive to not only leave my country, but to go to Asia. It's a drive that consumed my thoughts, and I came to accept God was in it. The time is now right, and I have to go.

God has a plan for me and my wife as He does for everyone. For this season that plan means going to South Korea. I may not know why (I have a lot of guesses), but that doesn't matter. I know He does. He hasn't lead me wrong in the past, and I know He won't now. If He wants me to live half way across the world for a year than I will. I have to. He's done so much for me. More than I can imagine or explain. I cannot refuse Him.

I know following without knowing why I'm going sounds crazy to many. It's a little crazy to me. Despite that I know it's the right thing to do thanks to the scriptures:

"He who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:38

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I! Send me!" Isaiah 6:8

I must follow the Lord where He wants me to go if I am to be worthy of Him. Isaiah didn't know what the Lord wanted him to do. He just knew the Lord needed someone to do it. That's how I want to be. I don't need to know exactly what God has in store for me. He wants someone to go. I want to be one that shouts, "Here am I, Lord! Send me!" Sometimes you have to accept the assignment before the Lord will tell you what it is. He has revealed some of reasons to me, but not the entire picture. Those reasons will be discussed in a different post. For now I leave you with reason #2. I am called. The Lord wants me to to go, and I will go. This is the only reason there really needs to be.

Taylor K.

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